thought I had to write about something else, about how I got stood up last night, as I was hoping the 1 / 2 hour in a plaza on the edge of hypothermia, how was that to get to my house all laughed and laughed at my misfortune, and ultimately, about two hours later, the same person, I returned to do wait 1 / 2 hour, but this time by a miscalculation.
But no, I will not write that, if not what happened, but either did not happen when we finally meet. Hahahaha today
fortune cookie told me "will be born in you a new illusion." , but I feel that last night felt that little illusion that it was ... I feel bad, frustrated, ugly.
She wanted so much that things work well, I was playing the as never before had done, really wanted.
At least it was clear that not Gay, bi or perhaps curious hetero .
We meet, walk and near my house, we sat down to talk, and not as it did, but in a very polite way, without making me feel bad I said I did not want anything with me. A great Cueck for me. He said that just two weeks ago, had ended a relationship and, for the moment, did not want anything to anyone. Why was such a gentleman?! It determined that if I did not like before, now it is. Before I just wanted to hang out with him to see what happened, Web-IO po a while, but now I like it! aaaaaa! I'm going to do? What ultimately confused me was that when we were parting, I take my hands and caress them. So that was that if I did not want anything with me?
I felt so good to him, the conversation was pleasant, and although I was very nervous, he made me feel comfortable. I have pain, I was rejected and because of that he liked me. LOL