Nobody ever took me seriously. Nothing has ever lasted more than two nights. All my "relationship" has been in vain, I've never really liked someone, no one has ever played for me, I've always been someone irrelevant. Less than half of that I have been to remember my name. I have not gone beyond anyone.
But he has a reason. Maybe it's my karma.
Only once someone really wanted me. As we should want, honestly delivered. And I did everything wrong, underestimate what a terrible way, I underestimate, as look like so little. Now I'm paying for my mistake ... when I tried to fix it was late, I had completely forgotten until I had replaced. And that's fine. It was ridiculous and arrogant that even I wanted, so badly that question.
's okay to me no matter what is going on me. That's right. It should be.
But it hurts so much! It hurts so much to be so lonely! I want someone to love me! I really want! Feel love for me .... Everybody but me WHY!? How long I'll keep paying for my mistake ... I just want be important to someone.
If everyone has someone to ... or have had .... And I never!
Because there are people who have more than you deserve ... few people know they are loved by all no merit! Unintentionally! And bask in the love they receive ...
Because I do not!
Because I'm ugly. Gorda. Fome. Silly. Because I'm not fragile, or princess, or delicate, nor small, neither weak nor soft, neither submissive nor gullible.
What the hell do I have to do! It is so difficult that I want ... I'm so disgusting ....
who I fixed: fixed by the other. With whom I have been, did not care. Assaf never seek. Alvaro oblivion. A Juanpi never like. And for the others ... I was less than trivial.
have for years called the same. To like someone, someone to love me. And nothing!
This sentiment was not come back! He had been neutralized several months ... it was so good! Do not continue to grow, not keep growing! I never want to feel those emotions! Not again. Not again.
Why I can not be like the Aixa that, apart from nice, delivered without fear, do not think it's going to happen, it plays like any or Pamela, who is excited as anything, and the account and asks for advice or as Marlene finally appears to be as safe and that attracts some men well ...
I do not attract anyone! I'm staying alone! Old, fat, virgin!
I have scared, so scared. I have terror.
at me!
Someone tell me I'm cute, please!
Someone tell me he loves me. I want to feel desired, I want someone to make me feel like a woman, for more cliché that is, really, please!
'm pathetic. Who will want to love someone who is begging?
10000 times suffer for love than indifference. I suffer because nobody loves me! Not because I no longer love, or because love was extinguished, if not that something more horrible, by indifference.
'm so horrible that even reached to play with me.
And it's so easy to make me happy! Come here please! If, with only ... I look I fall and give it all. If I'm not even as sophisticated as say ... it can be an eyesore, ignorant, sexist and right that if you put forward I give myself, if I'm easy, because anything is better than nothing, I can not afford to gloat.
And I sit here crying not going to happen, but I can not go out to seek love!
do not really, someone help me, I'm so lonely, so pathetically needy!
'm a curse!
Why I can not have that confidence to approach me! Or to attract!
Something the Lord, for more than minimal, something.
Finally a sedative to keep me asleep.
That desire to sleep, sleep, sleep and never wake up, you want to leave the Preu, let the desire to enter the U.S., wanted to throw it around and sleep, just sleep, close the curtains, turn off lights and sleep.
But here comes the anxiety about my ingratitude, how? Having such a beautiful world out there I can feel things like that? As people without food, having family roof is nothing happier than me, me I have everything, food, shelter, clothing hogarm, uunos family and few friends.
For if the world is so cute?
trying, keep trying to hurt, because there is no reward! If he had a hint of something that gives me strength to continue, but there's nothing, I in vain, but less follow.
So important is the outside! Perhaps if one does not have a pretty face, nice body, pretty eyes and hair can not be loved, really bad person I am, is something that someone I know a little of the cpnfianza me to give everything I have, it's just that someone wants and give me some time to bring out the most beautiful I have, because I really feel I can give a lot, but I can not give the shot as the others! I can not give because if!
jajaja worth my life. The typical depressed is that they are horrible, painful, fat, when they are, when in fact so opposite, but in my case, ajja, I find that I am not so ugly I'm not as fat or as ugly, but the rest if the rest if you think something bad but I am nothing, high or other account, if I am or not does not change things, that my life is distensible.