Monday, April 7, 2008

Great Harbour Trawlers

new numerology cycle

Yesterday I invited some friends to celebrate the first day of a new cycle according to numerology... Inviting friends in my place was kind of a miracle, since I am often a very wild person once I cross my home's door. But I decided to change this aspect of my personality. like making a good resolution for this new cycle. I made some 4 different kind of muffins salty and sweet one. Seemt like everybody enjoyed them. Good, I'm always hapy when the people I care about have a good time.

My roommate is leaving on friday, someone is visiting the room this afternoon, and I might have a steady person for next fall semester. Good Things are going easily and I like that.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Milena Velba Back Into The Office

Yeahhh!!! as an early birthday's present I received a letter from the unversity of Geneva to let me know that I'm in for next year. I go accepted into the faculty of psychology and education.... that' s so fuc... great! First I wanted to study sociology but I read the program of the science of education section and discover that their program wasn't only about teaching but also about science of education as an social and human science. They have many courses about intercultural education and psychology. It's seem very interseting.

So once I received the letter I went to check if I can get a scholarship and it appears that I am fitting in all requirement they have. So if I keep on working a few hours a week and I have the scholarship this will be the first time of my life that I Have enough money (according swiss standar which are very high of course) to live.