Nothing less than a whole man (for me) I know I've been talking all month about him, but not I can help it, it's like any subject, image, composition, shape, everything! have any relationship with him ... Greece actually appears everywhere I jajajaj.
Honestly, I know I have behaved very pathetically
, but it's beyond my control, not why he was so saved me, because it would be very descarademente lying if I said that was my first kiss so that I had never danced with someone (xD) or that could have gone beyond a few kisses, then all that I had passed and more than once ....
with him but I felt that "Click" , that "Chemistry" do not know if he felt the same (in fact I think he felt other things xD), but I was ready for anything
to ALL, if I said that we went to Greece, to China or wherever, we got married, we throw in a bridge, I blindly did. Bone
.... YO! YO! Saying that! someone who only saw two days, that the safest thing is to have lied about everything I said, who spoke no English and thus we do not understand anything, I only wanted to spend the evening? Because if I'm saying and do not understand why ... perhaps because of how wonderful it was before my eyes ...
a man like him ever going to find here in Chile .
He was nothing less than all A Male: muscular (as I like my 1313) High, not much, but more than me, big hands (baba), pronounced jaw, and big nose, my man physically perfect, was also blond, I've never been a fan of them, I prefer 100 times the dark, but he felt good ^ ^ and
those arms! ay! those arms and that back so wide! physique had me going crazy! apart kissed so, so good!
as I had never kissed anyone before , as explaining that only with their lips roze I was already given as a Peruvian nanny to his boss! also It was only a kiss, if not doing so in a way she hugged me so protective, caressing me in a sweet, yet exciting, something I thought that he could not do was sexy, horny as the only but very respectful, as they try to control: B tender but wild at the same time! and danced so well!
was my Apollo, my Adonis, and Dionysus to me again! addition to my 300 in 1 xDD It's absolutely ridiculous, a figment of my mind, but I felt like I wanted Mmm jjajaja xDDDD.
The man knew very well what do his . And me? fell plump, but happy. You
was not only physical, although I do not speak English (I did not speak good English, let alone Greek or Hebrew that was what he knew about)
could talk about things than I am with men my age, Chileans could not speak The
was not ignorant as everyone here! also was an expert in genral culture, but it was worship, halfway intelligent! it could have a discussion with entertaining! that while we had a hard time assembling sentences was the fact that mattered, we speak of conflict between Israel and Palestine, was anxious to know my opinion! "That man in Chile .. We could kiss besides talk? ... these men here do not exist and that it was only a trainer, not was no pictures or anything like that (gives it to do a study of why our youth is so ignorant ... mm LOSE? LGE?
Keep the ignorant people in underdeveloped countries ... so they can be controlled jajajaj as educations notice the difference ... sorry) maybe that's what I hang on, its exaggerated
difference with the Chilean man uu Assaf was with me as I always dreamed to be a man, attractive, cultured that I want, understanding, protective, open minded .... how? as you may not have any faults? ah! and courtship is long ... (at least said drive with his girlfriend 4 years, lie or not that I like) is a
serious man! willing to new experiences! very nice, funny, an excellent sense of humor, sensual, athletic, tiernooooo!! ay! under me and love again u_u!
Several times when I dance with somebody ... or things happen to me with someone I like, I just want to make that gamble for that person, ask for her number, to find a way, more than once I have asked that we turn to join or continue with the jueguiito for more time to have sex and I've always said no, simply because I was not a peteca, I am satisfied with a few kisses, but
with: I wanted more! I wanted everything! !! so much more than my shyness, my prejudices and I went to seek the other day: I, Barrientos Camila Perez going to find a man, I just watched one night, which I knew nothing, hopefully his name, for an appointment?? Nooo, not even in my worst nightmares I imagine that! But what I did, cost me a lot, actually my sister Marlene and a friend called me, I was dying of shame ... I imagine his surprise to see me asking to get out there hahaha. And agreed, it would also be his friend (for my sister and my friend), imagine my happiness: D had the chance to spend more time with him, know a little more ... and who knows, maybe it would give the possibility of "walking to my hostel with the" jajajaj that was how I proposed it after he went out to dinner! and
and say no? , if that's what I most wanted ... I had thought all night about it ... and it appears that too! but there were several points against me: 1 .-
Where? in my hostel one could, but would happen if we were in full action and got the Marlene and Andrea. In the hostel? for me it would have been the best, but mmm had slept in his room ... 8 MORE PEOPLE! Not that I am a conservative woman, but I believe that sex is something
INTIMATE or not? 2 .- I had to tell my sister
uuuug I was going to go alone to the hostel ... and she is not stupid! notary as soon ... to shame! and when they reached the hostel would know what I had been doing ... nooo all wrong! She also had the key, I had to ASK, the would have had me, I'm in the same time I proposed it y. .. 3 .-
I'ma virgin, I would think that of me? that little less I'm offering my virginity to the first happened?, and explain that he was the man I wanted for me? insurance also regret that he be with me, then, that most boring to jump to a virgin? would be very frustrating for the ... sorry for me, plus I'm sure you would think the most nerd in the world, said she was 20. when in fact I have 18 ... bone virgin at 20? poor chick ... uu
Wow ... I feel I can write all day of what I feel xDD
In the end nothing happened again, we say goodbye and go, but never see it, can never have a minimum of information on or what he thought of me ... safest thing is that I was one more, as had been for me if I did not give much importance. Now comes the stupid question: think of me? I there any taste? I would have liked to have a relationship with me?

Baaaah! mmm I think stupid things all day? AAAA! I can not stop thinking about it, I swear that no man had made me feel this way! Think I could have done with so much ... I can only lament and think about the fond memories that I leave. To reach a few conclusions: 1 .-
women never find the perfect man, therefore we married with one that is paresca as possible to what we want, but we are always dissatisfied and inwardly curse, but when that man encntramos we have always sought, which has everything you dream ... chan! only lasts two days and you have nowhere to shoot with.
2 .- It was better than had only been two days ... maybe if we knew more and had more time to ... would have discovered that it was a shitty person and I would have stayed with a bitter taste saying "what a fool I went to look for on the" so, with only two days, I can afford to say I had a beautiful and exciting experience ^ ^
End .-