want to speak metaphorically about what it costs me to call to stop thinking
and never respond.
at least I know more about you than I am humanly possible to endure.
heard the last thing you sent me, prevented me from doing anything, not even safe
promise that would once again thinking in those 4 days. I'm listening
bicycles, and what does that have to do with you? "Obviously, nothing. I am infinitely
unable to stop thinking of you, but after December
tried to erase everything about you,
not even know why I write it this way, I suppose
so many problems and few solutions
I want to take you away,
throw from the top of a mountain,
and look away (and probably reappear).
not have to talk if not wanted,
but I like to touch your beard again,
use your glasses, pouring wine
see you like from below.
'm totally crazy since you left.
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