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Biography: Isabel Allende
Llona was born on August 2, 1942 in Lima (Peru), Chilean writer and playwright. Isabel Allende is considered the most popular Latin American novelist. Has sold over 35 million copies and his work has been translated into over 27 languages. Tomás Allende's daughter, diplomat and first cousin of Salvador Allende, and Francisca Llona. Born in Lima while his father was ambassador to Chile in Peru. Parents separated in 1945, returning to Chile with her mother and her two brothers lived there until 1953.
Between 1953 and 1958, his family lived on in Bolivia and Beirut (Lebanon). In Bolivia and attended an American school in Beirut, a private English school. In 1958 he returned to Chile and met up with Miguel Frías, whom he married in 1962.
From 1959 to 1965, he worked at the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Santiago de Chile. In 1963 a daughter Paula. The following years spent long periods in Europe, especially living in Brussels and Switzerland. Returning to Chile in 1966 his son was born Nicholas.
From 1967 he took part in the drafting of the journal Paula, while publishing articles on various topics. He later made various contributions to the children's magazine published two stories Mampato and children's grandmother and lauchones Panchita and Mice and a collection of essays entitled to civilize Cave, also worked on two television channels in Chile.
In 1973 he premiered his play The Ambassador. That same year saw the coup led by General Pinochet, which killed his uncle. In 1975, exiled with his family in Venezuela. There he spent 13 years working in the Daily Caracas national and secondary school until 1982, and published his first novel The House of the Seven Mirrors (1975).
In 1981, because his grandfather 99 years and still the same at death's door, he began to write a letter that became a manuscript. The House of the Spirits (1982), his first novel and his most famous work. This aroused great interest and was later adapted for the screen (by Bille August) and the theater.
In 1984 he published Of Love and Shadows, which quickly became another great success and was also made into a film. The constant travel that began promoting their books made their marriage Cold to term. Divorced from her husband, Willie Gordon married July 7, 1988 in San Francisco.
in 1988, agreed to vote in the plebiscite that General Pinochet did resign. In 1990, with the return of democracy in Chile, was awarded the Gabriela Mistral award by President Patricio Aylwin.
After the death of her daughter Paula, Allende published a memoir, Paula (1994). This is written as a letter addressed to his daughter when she was in a coma in a Madrid hospital. They are a memory of his childhood years and exile. Paula died of porphyria in 1992.
currently resides in San Rafael (California). Has been awarded at the Academy of Arts and Letters American.
The works are these:
The House of the Spirits (1982).
Of Love and Shadows (1984).
Eva Luna (1987).
Tales of Eva Luna (1989).
The Infinite Plan (1991).
Paula (1994).
Aphrodite (1997).
Daughter of Fortune (1999).
Portrait in Sepia (2000).
The City of Beasts (2002).
My Invented Country (2003)
The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (2003)
Forest of the Pygmies (2004)
El Zorro (2005)
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